Yoga to Enhance Fertility – Women Fitness


In yoga the body is seen as an energy system, with a number of different areas or chakras. The second Charka, is know as the seat of creation or reproduction. Enhancing blood flow into this region will help you seek significant results.

Yoga can serve as a tool to enhance your fertility by balancing the hormone levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH. The menstrual cycles become more regular and ovulation takes place right at the right time. You will also learn how to breathe properly and how to release excess tension and anxiety. It is true that when women go through the medically assisted process of trying to get pregnant, they experience a lot of stress. Stress can interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle and delay ovulation, as well as reduce sperm production in men Most of the asanas are ones that increase the blood flow to the pelvis and make the women at ease with their bellies.

Certain restorative poses are perfect to prepare the body for conception. They can help to soften the abdominal region and remove any tension from the area of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. Reclining poses are used to elongate the abdominal region, allowing more blood flow to the reproductive organs.

Besides, there are also specific yoga positions that a woman can use after sex to increase her chances of conception. One of the most popular is a legs up the wall pose, known as Viprarita Kirani. This ensures that the sperm remain in the optimum position for fertilization for as long as possible.

The most important practice for women who want to get pregnant? Connecting the breath to the pelvis in each pose and keeping the abdominal muscles soft and relaxed

Viparita Karani (Legs up on the wall pose)

Helps increase circulation and space in the pelvis

  • Lie on your side with your buttocks close to wall,
  • Slowly inhale and exhale, then when you are exhaling turn your body and move your legs up to the wall at the same time so that you create a 90-degree angle at your pelvis between your legs and body,
  • Stay in this pose for a few minutes inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s pose)

  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out,
  • Inhale and exhale then while exhaling bring your feet close to your groin and push the sole of your feet against each other,
  • Hold to your toes and when exhaling try to lower your knees to the ground as much as you can,
  • Hold this pose for about 3-5 minutes while slowly inhaling and exhaling.

Salamba Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose)

  • Come to lie on your back with the knees bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Have a yoga block handy. p;
  • You should be able to barely touch the backs of your heels with your fingertips when the arms are lying on the floor.
  • The feet should be parallel and stay that way through the duration of the pose.
  • Press down into the soles of the feet as you lift the hips off the floor.
  • Slide your yoga block under your back directly under the sacrum. Let your sacrum rest on the block. Let the arms rest alongside the body.
  • This should be a comfortable resting position. You may wish to stay here several minutes.
  • To come out, press down into your feet and lift the hips again. Remove the block and gently lower your back to the floor.


It is a good idea to start with the block on the lowest level . If this feels comfortable, you can try turning it to a higher level. Since this is a restorative pose, choose the level that gives you the most ease. If you feel any pain, come out.


Try lifting one leg at at time off the floor, keeping the block in place. You may also lift both legs at the same time in a supported version of Shoulder stand.

Supported Paschimottanasana (forward fold):

  • This posture is good for people with lower back problems or tight hamstrings. It is a wonderful posture to rest in as while opening the leg muscles and stretching the back.
  • Sit in Dandasana on your mat- legs outstretching, ankles together, hands pushing into earth by hips.
  • Place a bolster or a rolled blanket underneath your knees. This way your knees are comfortably bent. This is especially important for anyone who has a knee or hamstring injury.
  • Take a pillow and place it on your legs or lap, or wherever is best so that you can rest your upper body on it as you fold over your legs.
  • As you begin to slowly fold over your legs, you should make sure that you feel no pain. A comfortable stretching sensation is good, but if you feel any pain in the legs or in the back, increase the height of the blankets under your legs.
  • You may want to use a block to prop your head on top of the pillow- so there is no strain in the neck or shoulders.
  • Close your eyes and breath here for as long as you want. Allowing your body to relax and open into the posture.

Supta Virasana:

  • Kneel in Virasana and place a bolster behind you, the short end touching your buttocks. Place a rolled blanket on the far end. Make sure that the inner sides of your feet touch hips. Keep your back straight. Place your fingers on the floor beside your toes.
  • Press your palms on the floor, bend both elbows, and lean back toward the bolster. Place your elbows and forearms, one at a time, on the floor. Gradually lower your back onto the bolster. To avoid strain in the pelvic area or the thighs, ensure that your knees remain firmly on the floor.
  • Once you lower your back onto the bolster, rest the back of your head on the rolled blanket. Keep your chest fully expanded. Press your shoulder blades down on the bolster to lift your chest . Extend your toes and ankles toward the bolster. Push your feet closer to your hips with your hands. Extend the pelvis, and press your thighs close together.
  • Move your arms out to the sides, with the palms facing upward. Extend your neck, but keep your throat relaxed. Drop your eyelids down gently. Experience the relaxation of the thighs and the abdomen, and the lift of the chest. Feel the continuous stretch from the cervical spine to the tailbone. Initially, stay in the pose for 1 minute. With practice, increase the duration to 5 – 10 minutes.

If some of these postures seem a bit uncomfortable at first, use a bolster, pillow, or folded towel to help you ease into the pose. These tools are especially effective for the reclining postures.

Yogis suggest doing the Legs-Up-The-Wall pose after coitus for better sperm penetration of the uterus.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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