MLK Black Ski Weekend


This was my second time attending #MLKSkiWeekend aka Black Ski Weekend. Now if you're not black and you still want to join in on the festivities you are still welcome. I had such a good time the first time, I decided to go again and see if I could get better at snowboarding and have some fun participating in the festivities. The thing I love about #MLKSkiWeekend is that there is so much to do! There is an intense schedule of activities from skiing to comedy shows, to parties and much more. All the activities are easy to keep up with through the MLKSkiWeekend app. The app made it super easy for me to plan what activities I wanted to do.
This weekend is held at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Collingsworth (a couple hours outside of Toronto). I love this resort, it's outdoors, there are about a dozen great restaurants to try and places to get ski and cold weather gear. You can get almost anything you need without leaving the resort. There are travel options to fly in or for the Detroit people, you can take a chartered bus. For the flyers, you also have the option to take a charter from the airport to the resort. I've done this twice and it has gone smoothly for me both times. For me, I never plan on attending a lot of activities on this day because there is a lot of registration and line you have to stand in. Be prepared. There's a line to pick up your room keys, one to get your bracelets (for activities), one to sign up for skiing, and one for a shuttle to your hotel. I will say that they are all worth it because you get everything done at once and you can start the next day fresh and ready to have fun.
If you've never been MLKSkiWeekend get ready to have a great time and make new friends and run into old friends. I ran into quite a few people that follow me on social. Hi guys! For me, this go around I was really determined to get better at snowboarding. So I spent a lot of my time doing just that. Now the difference between the last time I went and this time was about a 30 degree temperature change. It was cooooollllllddddd. Geez, but overall I got better at snowboarding. I busted my butt a lot, but I had fun doing it. If you really want to trying skiing or snowboarding I would recommend this weekend. There are tons of people to help you get started.Original Article

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