This year it’s been perfectly acceptable to wear pajamas at all times, am I right?! Okay maybe not allllll the time, but with quarantine let’s be real most of us wore pajamas for days on end while stuck at home. With Christmas right around the corner and most people staying in a lot more this year I wanted to share some cute holiday pajamas!
My friends and I have started a holiday pajama and cookie decorating party which is one of my favorite nights of the year! I can’t wait to wear these new plaid pajamas to the party next week. Pajama parties really are the best kind of parties… What wouldn’t you like about them??
Another one of my favorite things to do during Christmas is watching Christmas movies in pajamas and eating all the yummy holiday treats. I think I bought every single Christmas treat at Trader Joe’s the other day… yeah it happened. Their “jingle jangle” is my absolute favorite thing EVER.
My family has never done the matching Christmas pajamas, but it’s for sure going to be a thing once I have a family of my own. It’s kinda corny, but I love it. Even though they don’t participate in wearing fun holiday pajamas I still wear them on Christmas morning!
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Lindsey, our intern, already went back home to Arizona for the TCU holiday break and I’m bummed we couldn’t do a team holiday party this year. However, isn’t she so cute in her plaid pajamas? I was thinking about doing a Zoom pajama party with the team!
This was our blogger holiday pajama party from a few years ago which I really hope we get to do another one this year! It’s so hard now with everyone’s schedules, babies, people moving… I guess that’s life!
If you don’t own a pair of these faux fur slippers who are you? Kidding. But I really do love them and just bought my second pair bc I wore out the first ones so quick. Also, I’ve always had a good pair of leopard slippers with a rubber sole which I’m not afraid to wear to the grocery store…. No judgement.
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I hope many of you get to spend the holidays with family and friends this year! If you don’t then put on your pajamas, pour a glass of wine, and turn on a holiday movie. It’ll make things better for a bit!